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€200K €3M

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Estimated Savings Savings calculated by subtracting Auctioneera's low fixed fee from the industry standard fee of 1.5%+VAT + marketing expense of €300+VAT.

*Savings calculated by subtracting Auctioneera's low fixed fee from the industry standard fee of 1.5%+VAT + marketing expense of €300+VAT.


Auctioneera Dublin - the Only Choice for an Auctioneer / Estate Agent in Dublin!

If you're considering selling a property in Dublin and at the stage of searching for an auctioneer, we're here to help. Selling a property is a major decision given the large sums of money involved - we take the responsibility you place in us as your estate agent very seriously. Once of our qualified auctioneers located throughout Dublin will visit you at your property and present our free, no obligation valuation report to you. This sets out the recent sales of similar properties in your area of Dublin as well as asking prices. We won't bluff you by giving you an unrealistic valuation. We will present the research and discuss with you what we feel is achievable.

We offer a full auctioneering service including everything you would expect from professional photography, floor plans, for sale sign, Daft / MyHome listings, all viewings, negotiation with buyers... all expertly handled by your Auctioneera estate agent. Basically, we look after your sale from start to finish!

What makes us a little different is our price. We are proud to be Ireland's largest fixed fee estate agency so we will get you the best price while you pay the lowest fees. It's that simple. So, if you are looking to engage a professional auctioneer in Dublin, be sure to speak to us. Whether you are selling in Sandyford or Sandymount, Ballymun or Balbriggan, Blackrock or Baldoyle or anywhere in Dublin, we want to speak to you!

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