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Recently Sold Properties in Brittas & Surrounding Areas

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€200K €3M

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Estimated Savings Savings calculated by subtracting Auctioneera's low fixed fee from the industry standard fee of 1.5%+VAT + marketing expense of €300+VAT.

*Savings calculated by subtracting Auctioneera's low fixed fee from the industry standard fee of 1.5%+VAT + marketing expense of €300+VAT.


Auctioneera Brittas - the Only Choice for an Auctioneer / Estate Agent in Brittas!

Located in rural South Dublin, at the foothills of the Dublin mountains, Brittas is a popular location for property buyers of all types. Around a 30-minute drive from the centre of Dublin city, buyers adore the community vibrancy in the area yet its proximity to the capital and surrounding South Dublin suburbs. If you’re considering selling a property in the Brittas area of Dublin, get in touch to speak with one of our auctioneers who will happily provide you with a free valuation. We differ from other high-fee commission-based estate agents in that we charge a fixed fee to sell your property.

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