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Recently Sold Properties in Dublin 8 & Surrounding Areas

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Auctioneera Dublin 8 - the Only Choice for an Auctioneer / Estate Agent in Dublin 8!

Thinking of selling in Dublin 8? Located west of Dublin 2 and containing the neighbourhoods of Dolphin's Barn, Inchicore, Island Bridge, Kilmainham, Merchants Quay, Portobello, South Circular Road, and the Coombe, Dublin 8 is a popular property buying location. Transport in Dublin 8 is mainly in the form of buses and taxis, however, Heuston station, one of Dublin’s main train stations is located here. Trains run from Heuston to Galway and Cork. The Guinness Brewery and Gravity Bar near St. James's Gate, Christchurch Cathedral, Kilmainham Gaol, Royal Hospital Kilmainham, and Vicar Street, which hosts numerous comedy acts and gigs, among the most well-known sights in Dublin 8. If you’re considering selling in the D8 area, speak to us and get a free valuation from one of our experienced auctioneers.

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